The results below are in three sections. The first confirms the address you searched on, including details of any previous addresses used by the property. This may be because of street renumbering c 1930, or a street name change.

The second section lists all known previous residents at the property, based on historical records. These are mainly old Glasgow Post Office Directories to 1939, and valuation rolls from 1875 to 1925. They mostly predate the gardens but there are now a few records for these properties too. If any item in the results appears clickable, you’re in luck – it likely links to articles on the website covering that property or individual in more detail.

The third section contains some historical notes on the whole street.

NoStreetFrom UntilFormer No Former Street Historical Notes
12Moray Placec. 1864.

Home of Rev Henry Erskine Fraser, first pastor of the UP Church on Langside Avenue, now St Helen's RC Church.

Home of William Buchanan, of Buchanan Bros, grain millers, 58-62 Dale St, Bridgeton. His brother James lived at 13 (now 28) Regent Park Square.

Home of H E Clifford, Architect. Brass plaque to that effect on wall.

NameAgeOccupation ProprietorNote FromUntilSourceComments
Rev Henry Erskine Frazer 18651874 Glasgow Post Office Directory
Henry E Fraser53 Minister Of Langale Road United ?? A MHead 1871 1871 Censusb. Alloa Clackmannanshire
Eliza J Fraser43 Wife 1871 1871 Censusb. England
Harry Fraser17 Commercial Clerk In Commertian OfficeSon 1871 1871 Census
Elien Fraser12 ScholarDaughter 1871 1871 Censusb. Shawbank Renfrewshire
Arthur Fraser7 ScholarSon 1871 1871 Census
Norman Fraser5 ScholarSon 1871 1871 Census
Anne Byas30 Servant 1871 1871 Censusb. Larbert Stirlingshire
Reverend Henry Erskine Fraser Owner Occupier 1875 Valuation Roll
Eliza Jare Fraser53 Ministers WifeWife 1881 1881 Censusb. England
Harry Fraser27 South American MerchantSon 1881 1881 Censusb. England
Norman Fraser15 Student Of Arts Glasgow UniversitySon 1881 1881 Census
Helen Fraser65 AnnuitantSister 1881 1881 Censusb. Alloa Clackmannonshhire
Mary Wallace Fraser58 Governess In PerthshireSister 1881 1881 Censusb. Alloa Clackmannonshhire
Helen McKinnan32 Genrl. Serv DomesticServant 1881 1881 Censusb. Barrasso of Tyrie(Gaelic) Argyleshire
Mary Ann Burnham37 Lady'sS Maid DomesticServant 1881 1881 Censusb. England
William Buchanan Owner Occupier 1885 Valuation Roll
William Buchanan 1886 Glasgow Post Office Directory
George Urie48 BlacksmithHead 1891 1891 Census
Elizabeth McL Urie50 Wife 1891 1891 Censusb. Ireland
William S Urie21 Pattern MakerSon 1891 1891 Census
Agnes W Urie20 Daur (Daughter) 1891 1891 Census
Samuel C Urie14 ScholarSon 1891 1891 Census
Janet F Urie11 ScholarDaur (Daughter) 1891 1891 Census
Mary McCurdy23 General Ser DomesticServ (Servant) 1891 1891 Censusb. Ireland
Grace Louisa And Charlotte Murray CliffordOwner Occupier 1895 Valuation Roll
Rebecca Clifford76 Living On Own MeansHead 1901 1901 Censusb. Aberdeen Aberdeenshire
Grace L Clifford57 Retired TeacherDaur (Daughter) 1901 1901 Censusb. Trinidad
Charlotte N Clifford50 Retired TeacherDaur (Daughter) 1901 1901 Censusb. Trinidad
Henry E Clifford47 ArchitectSon 1901 1901 Censusb. Trinidad
Margaret Rumbles23 Cook (domestic)Serv (Servant) 1901 1901 Censusb. Cullen Banffshire
Isabella Valentine19 HousemaidServ (Servant) 1901 1901 Censusb. Brechen Forfarshire
Grace Louisa And Charlotte Murray CliffordOwner Occupier 1905 Valuation Roll
Henry Edward Clifford Owner 1915 Valuation Roll
William Forrest Tenant Occupier 1915 Valuation Roll
Mrs Hannah W Westwood Owner Occupier 1920 Valuation Roll
Mrs Hannah W Westwood Owner Occupier 1925 Valuation Roll

Street Historical Notes
Moray Place1-10 1859-61, Alexander Thomson, occupied c. April-July 1861. Unoccupied at census on 7 April, but Thomson's daughter Helen was born there on 9 July.
11-17 c.1862, built by John McIntyre & Wiulliam Stevenson, architect unknown. Occupied 1863-4.
18-25 c.1872-3, feued to William Brown, first occupied c.1874
19-33 c.1876-7, feued to Francis Armstrong, a Dumfries architect. No 31 occupied in 1877, the others by 1878

Laid out c 1860, by John McIntyre (builder) and William Stevenson (quarrymaster & mason) from the land of Sir John Maxwell.

The renowned architect Alexander "Greek" Thomson designed 1-10, and lived at No 1. He did not design any further buildings in Moray Place or the Squares, however, although the Titwood Place and Salisbury Quadrant tenements in Nithsdale Road and Nithsdale Drive were probably built to his design.

William Brown, builder & mason, built 18-25. He previously built the Pollokshaws Road tenements (Regent Park Terrace) and himself lived at No 6 Regent Park Terrace. He died during construction in 1873 aged 49.